
153 - Learn Contemplative Forestry with Jason Brown

153 - Learn Contemplative Forestry with Jason Brown

In this episode of the Your Forest podcast, host Matthew Kristoff speaks with Dr. Jason Brown, an environmental ethicist and lecturer in religious studies, about "contemplative forestry." They explore how blending mindfulness with ecological understanding can foster a deeper connection to forests. Jason shares his journey into this unique field, emphasizing the spiritual and cultural dimensions of forestry.

Dr. Jason Brown is a lecturer at Simon Fraser University, specializing in the intersection of religion, ethics, and ecology. With a background in anthropology, forestry, and ecological theology, Jason's work focuses on integrating spiritual practices into environmental management, promoting a holistic approach to forestry.

Matthew and Jason discuss the concept of "contemplative forestry," which combines mindfulness with ecological practices. They explore the balance between work and contemplation, the importance of recognizing forests' intrinsic value, and how indigenous practices can inform a more reciprocal relationship with nature. The episode also touches on broader themes like climate change and the role of spirituality in environmental stewardship.

114-Community Forests with George Brcko

114-Community Forests with George Brcko

On this podcast we often talk about managing the forest for ALL values, equally, in a way that benefits all interests. Community forests may hold some answers. How do engage the public in a meaningful way? How do we embody cultural, recreational, and environmental values in forest management? How do we do collaboration right? The good folks of Wells Gray Community Forest might have some answers.

110-Old Growth with John Innes, Andy Mackinnon and Garry Merkel

110-Old Growth with John Innes, Andy Mackinnon and Garry Merkel

Old Growth. What does that mean? How old is Old? How big is Big? How much is out there? How ecologically unique is it? And finally, how should we interact with it? It is one of the last natural remnants of a pre-industrialized society. Many relate it to the loss of the great barrier reefs or the shrinking Amazon rainforest. Why is there still so much conflict and how is it going to be resolved. What does the future of Sustainable Forest Management look like? Today, we seek some answers.

#97-Regenerating Forests with Milo Mihajlovich

#97-Regenerating Forests with Milo Mihajlovich

How do we ensure sustainable forests forever? Not just the trees, but the wildlife, water, soil, recreation opportunities, etc. Forests are moving targets, and we can’t possibly expect to control every aspect. So we try to control the ones that are easier to measure. One such control is the trees. We know all there is to know about the trees. How many, what species, their age, their height, and their location. We even understand the balance of how many of each species should exist across a broad landscape to maintain ecological function. Now, all we need to do is make sure that balance is maintained through good forest regeneration practices that consider all of the values we want in the forest. This episode is about the tools, tactics, and concepts that are allowing us to grow forests as sustainably as possible. Spoiler alert, herbicide might be one of them.