Conservation is the sustainability of all species and habitat over time. This means we have to manage our forest ecosystems to ensure everything remains as sustainable as possible, not only select charismatic species. The Alberta Conservation Association helps with that. They provide a wide range of conservation services that help keep our province's natural resources around for generations.
#16-Fire and Water with Francois-Nicolas Robinne
Climate change has begun to demonstrate its impact on our lives and our planet. One such impact is on wildfire activity. Longer fire seasons mean a higher probability of catastrophic fires. These fires have a drastic effect on our water quality. As more frequent and larger fires occur, our water resources are put at risk. Francois and I discuss his research into this problem.
#15-Caribou Policy Pt2 with Tara Russell
#14-Caribou Policy Pt1 with Ray Hilts
#13- Archaeology and Forest Management with Kurtis Blaikie-Birkigt
#12-Q and A with Derrick Kreger-Smith
Question and answer time. Derrick has a list of questions he was asked a few years back from the internet and we try to give relevant answers. Questions from how we decide what to cut, whether or not cutblocks are detrimental to the ecosystem, pine beetle, to does a bear shit in the woods. Good stuff.
#11-Caribou with Gilbert Proulx
#10-Wood Technology with Dalibor Houdek
#9-Myths and Misconceptions with Derrick Kreger-Smith
#8-Wildfire Fighting and History with Brett Casey
#7-Biochar and Renewable Energy with Chris Olson
#6-Work Wild with Ann Normand
#5-Wildfire Management with Colin Paranich
#4-Indigenous Culture and The Forest with Michael Gubbels
Very truthful and honest perspective on indigenous culture and the hardships they have faced through persecution and assimilation. We discuss the impacts of this trauma and how it affects the forest industry today.
#3-What The Forest Has To Offer with Derrick Kreger-Smith
Discussion around the most environmentally friendly building materials, air quality, green spaces, hunting, trapping, aboriginal use, biological diversity and charismatic megafauna.
#2-Sustainable Forest Management with Derrick Kreger-Smith
More in depth discussion regarding some of the values that forest managers are planning for. Ecological as well as species biodiversity, soil and water protection, multiple use values, etc.
#1 - Public Forests with Derrick Kreger-Smith
Introducing the idea of publicly owned forests and the basics behind sustainable forest management.