Burning on territory in Victoria, Australia with Trent Nelson and Tim Kanoa

Burning on territory in Victoria, Australia with Trent Nelson and Tim Kanoa

Cultural burning exists around the world. This week we spoke with Trent Nelson and Tim Kanoa about the huge forward strides they have taken to get cultural burning back on the landscape on the other side of the globe, in Australia. We discuss the deep cultural ties to burning, what has been lost, and what can be gained by having it back on the land. We could learn a lot from their experience.

Welcome to Good Fire

Welcome to Good Fire

Wildfire is often portrayed in the media as being ‘destructive’ and ‘catastrophic’. In this podcast we explore the concept of fire as a tool for ecological health and cultural empowerment by Indigenous people around the globe. Good Fire is a term used to describe fire that is lit intentionally to achieve specific ecological and cultural goals. Good fire is about balance.