120-Forest Proud with Rae Tamblyn

How can we build a relationship with forests that everyone can be proud of? How can we stand up for forests while supporting human development? How can we be a part of forest climate solutions? We need public engagement! Forest Proud can help with that. We talk forests as climate solutions, forest values, tree data, and my favorite, tree equity!


Forest Proud: https://forestproud.org/


West Fraser: https://www.westfraser.com/

GreenLink Forestry Inc.: http://greenlinkforestry.com/

Damaged Timber: https://www.damagedtimber.com/

Forest Proud: https://forestproud.org/


Enter YourForest10 at checkout at the Damaged Timber store for a 10% discount!


06.02 - 06.06: “If you live, work or play with forests or forest products, we think you are part of the climate solution.”

14.41 - 14.51: “Deforestation is one of the biggest threats facing forests and it’s always tied back to land conversion and how you value the land as a society.”

16.30 - 16.37: “There is no wrong way to engage with the discussion about why forests are important as a climate solution.”

30.26 - 30.50: “The way that society interacts with its natural resources is dependent on society’s values so if we don’t value and understand the connections between our natural resources and our people, we won’t have the true impact and the ability to maintain and value the natural resources in a way that is good for both people and planet, now and for the future.”

52.52 - 53.00: “Tree equity is this ability of equitable access to nature and greenery, and the benefits that some places enjoy more than others.”


Forest climate solutions (05.44)

Rae is Director, Partner Experience at Forest Proud, a non-profit supporting forest climate solutions by championing sustainable forestry and helping people establish a symbiotic relationship with forests and forest products. Everyone, from those who enjoy forests to those who work with forests, has a part to play in stewarding forest climate solutions. Forest Proud supports this stewardship by creating content for social media. 

Tell me your story (9.11)

Forest Proud helps different parties working with forests tell their stories to each other to see how they form a cohesive whole. They also find content that is relevant to forest management and bring them into social conversations to support climate solutions. They also dig deeper into conversations already taking place to help inform and educate about the full cycle of forest management.

Education and information to inform solutions (12.38)

Rae talks about how people’s perceptions of forestry can be varied and shaped by the media. Forest Proud had conducted Facebook quizzes to unearth what people think of forestry. Rae laments that most people think of forestry only when they hear something bad about it in the news, not when they are enjoying the products and benefits of the forest. However, Rae believes that everyone can be a part of forest climate solutions.

Lead with pride (17.40)

Rae has found that when foresters don’t confidently explain the pride in their work, others assume they are part of the problem. Rae recommends sharing the passion foresters feel and how they are a part of the solution, to help others see how they can contribute to climate solutions through their own actions. Rae believes “that ability to feel plugged into something bigger than us is something that is missing“, which sharing stories can provide.

Be the change (22.03)

Rae studied social sciences at university and enjoyed activities like hiking, hunting and fishing. Rae worked in data collection and communication for the social sector for 5-6 years, observing the impact of forests on anti-poverty data. Doing tree planting and advocacy on the side, Rae found forestry to be an ideal career to combine people-based solutions with environmental solutions. Forest Proud also helps others fulfill their desire to be part of an impactful solution.

#forestproud (33.01)

Forest Proud has created an online community of people advancing forest solutions through #forestproud. Forest Proud can help craft your message in a way that is relatable to different people at different stages of environmental concern and contribution, helping them “get the answers they are looking for and have a place to take that next step”. They encourage learning together through education, information and connection, and have inspired people to showcase their initiatives. Rae shares some anecdotes on the power of connection through #forestproud.

Tree equity (48.12)

Rae defines tree equity as having enough trees in any locality so that all residents can enjoy the benefits of trees - health, economic, recreational, and emotional. There should be at least 3 trees for every person to enjoy. Along with valuing housing, equitable access to nature should also be valued, Rae believes. Having trees in a community can drive a circular bio-economy. Accessibility and public land ownership are also factors that influence tree equity.

Executive summary of the forest sector (1.02.22)

Forest Proud is recognized as an organization that educates and informs but does not participate in public policy or advocacy. Their outreach initiatives are based on building awareness, which they achieve by partnering with subject matter experts. Their social media campaigns are designed to pique interest and then connect the audience to the information provided by the experts and amplify the work done by the partners.

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