
151-Local Sustainability with Basil Camu

151-Local Sustainability with Basil Camu

Do you want to support healthy ecosystems, and create a legacy that can last? Me too. Start with your lawn, then your community, then see how you feel. Basil Camu is an expert in local rewilding and today he is here to share his passion for natural ecosystems and how you can create a bounding oasis of local biodiversity literally in your back yard! Think native! Flowers, grasses, forbs, shrubs, trees, everything helps!

I often get so wound up in forests and how we manage them that I forget that my yard, and community, can be a place for nature as well. I am now officially growing trees in my back yard with the intention of rewilding my property, and hopefully sharing that passion with others.

#98-Project Forest with Mike Toffan

#98-Project Forest with Mike Toffan

We all want to go to sleep at night knowing we did the right thing. Knowing the decisions we made were true to our values. Knowing we can hold our head high because we didn’t compromise and did something to make the world a better place. Project Forest is one organization that is trying to give companies the means to put their money where their mouth is and invest in something that will improve our world. Project Forest is rewilding Canada one forest at a time by planting forests on non-productive agricultural land. By planting forests, they allow their investors to stay true to their values of environmental and social responsibility by sequestering carbon, building habitat, and creating a sustainable forest legacy.